Tuesday 28 June 2016

Tummy Tuck Surgery in Phoenix, AZ

Today, people are more in tune with their body image than ever before. Many patients look to rejuvenate their stomach and flank regions with the tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure in Phoenix. As you view before and after photos of abdominoplasty you will see why Dr. Thomas Kotoske is well known for his creative skill and customizing his tummy tucks to the individual needs of each and every patient, he will thoroughly discuss your goals and needs to fulfill your expectations. Body By Kotoske offers a complete suite of procedures designed around a personalized approach to restoring the beauty of women through cosmetic surgery.

Different surgical procedures allow one to change the contour and shape of the breasts, abdomen, and other parts of the body.These body contouring procedures include liposculpture with micro tumescent liposuction, breast augmentation, Tummy Tuck Phoenix. The success of these procedures depends in great part on your age, general health, and the shape, size, and skin quality of the area to be treated. Often a combination of procedures will be used to alter one particular area. For example: micro tumescent liposuction and abdominoplasty will often be used together to re-contour the abdomen and waist area.

The Operation: This is an operation that is done under IV sedation or Epidural with IV sedation and tumescent anesthesia and usually requires a stay overnight in the hospital or similar overnight facility. An incision is made low on the abdominal wall at the pubic hair line, and extended outwards on each side. A second incision is sometimes made around the belly button to allow it to be repositioned after the skin and fat are pulled down. The muscles of the abdomen are tightened, and the waistline is sculpted into an attractive shape. The excess fat is removed by liposuction and/or direct excision. The skin is then redraped so the excess can be removed, and the navel is repositioned into a natural position.

Following surgery, the new abdomen will feel tight, and patients will walk slightly hunched over for 2-3 weeks. This will resolve quickly. Any sutures are removed by 10-14 days. There will be some swelling and firmness around the re-contoured abdominal wall for several weeks that will subside with time.

Although the operation is usually straight-forward and uncomplicated, problems can infrequently happen as with any operation. These possible complications include excessive bleeding after the surgery, infection, scarring, asymmetry, and problems with wound healing. Wound healing problems can occur especially in smokers, diabetics, patients of poor medical health, or patients with old abdominal scars. Some patients may accumulate clear, yellow fluid under the skin (seromas) after the surgery. This fluid is easily removed, and constitutes a nuisance more than a complication. To minimize this possibility, most patients will have temporary drains for several days and wear a compressive girdle.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Phoenix, AZ

Dr. Thomas G. Kotoske has been recently honored and featured as “Top Doc” in Phoenix Magazine. This prestigious award was given to him through nomination by other physicians who recognized him as one of the best. Dr. Kotoske is well-known in Phoenix for his creative skill and customizing breast augmentation to the needs of each patient. Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that is used to enlarge small breasts, underdeveloped breasts, or breasts that have decreased in size or fullness following childbirth. It is accomplished by placing an implant behind each breast augmentation in Phoenix. To do this, an incision is made in one of three possible locations. The incision can be placed (1) in the crease under the breast (2) around the areola (the darker area of skin surrounding the nipple), or (3) in the armpit. Each of these incisions may have specific advantages or disadvantages. The final decision on which incision is used should be reached after a discussion with Dr. Thomas Kotoske. Body By Kotoske offers a complete suite of procedures designed around a personalized approach to restoring the beauty of women through cosmetic surgery.

The implants currently used for cosmetic breast augmentation are salt water (saline) filled implants and silicone gel implants. The implants can be placed either directly under the breast tissue on top of the chest muscles, or underneath both the breast tissue and chest muscles. Again, there are pros and cons to each of these and you should discuss the different methods with Dr. Kotoske. The shape of the implant is another option women have today in breast enlargement. Recent design changes have allowed the introduction of “high profile” Breast Augmentation Phoenix. Viewed from the side, these implants have a greater projection and can take up and tighten excess breast tissue. Depending on which type is used, different shapes of the new breast can be obtained. Again, talk with Dr. Kotoske to see if the anatomically shaped implants will give you the more natural look you desire.

The Operation: Breast enlargement is done as an out-patient procedure. This means you come in and go home the same day. The operation usually takes approximately one hour to perform and is usually done under IV sedation with local anesthesia, meaning you go to sleep for the operation, and when you wake up it’s all done. Drains are rarely used, and recovery is generally a 2-3 week period before vigorous activities are resumed. Routine activities can be resumed in 3 to 5 days.

Possible Complications: Although the operation is usually straight-forward and uncomplicated, problems infrequently occur as with any operation. These possible complications include bleeding around the implant, infection, change in sensation around the nipple, firmness of the breast from a capsule tightening around the implant, visible wrinkles in the implant, and asymmetry. Although all of these are unusual, it is important that every patient be well informed about the procedure, the options available, and the potential problems. Write down a list of questions and concerns to discuss with Dr. Kotoske at the time of your visit.

Saturday 4 June 2016

Liposuction Treatment in Phoenix, AZ

Dr. Thomas Kotoske is a Phoenix cosmetic surgeon and medical director at Body By Kotoske, the Cosmetic Surgery Institute. Body By Kotoske offers a complete suite of procedures designed around a personalized approach to restoring the beauty of women through cosmetic surgery. Dr. Thomas Kotoske is well-known in Phoenix throughout the Valley and also sees international clientele due to his creative skill and customizing his liposuction surgery for each individual patient. You are the most important person in the Liposuction surgical process. Your goals, needs and expectations are recognized and, as closely as possible, met. The Liposuction surgical plan is individualized to the specific patient, reflecting their individual desires and needs. Liposuction is the process of removing unwanted fat from specific areas of the body. The most common treatment areas include the upper outer thigh area known as “saddlebags”, the abdomen, the flanks or “love handles.” Other treatment areas include facial and neck fat, “double chins”, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, arms and ankles.


For men, liposuction can be used to correct gynecomastia (enlarged breasts). While no method of liposuction is a substitute for good nutrition and physical exercise, liposuction can remove stubborn areas of fat that won’t respond to traditional weight loss methods. The latest advance in liposuction is the microtumescent technique with liposculpture. Using very small cannulas, the fat is sculpted away with minimal down time and recovery. The Procedure: Liposuction is performed by using a hand-held instrument (called a cannula) to vacuum the fat layer that lies deep beneath the skin. By pushing and pulling the cannula, the fat cells are broken up and then sucked out with a vacuum or syringe and deposited into bags, bottles or other containers.

While fat is removed by suctioning fat through small tunnels, the skin remains connected to the underlying muscles. This helps preserve the nerves and blood vessels supplying the skin and also helps to decrease the laxity of the skin. The surgeon is also careful to leave a thin blanket of fat attached to the skin to prevent the cannula from getting too close to the skin and thus avoiding excessive rippling or other irregularities. The tumescent solution injected under the skin helps to decrease bleeding, provide anesthesia to the surgical site and improve postoperative patient comfort.


Most patients are back to work in one week. A support garment is worn for three weeks and no heavy exercise is performed for 3 weeks. Mild bruising and swelling are expected along with potential changes in sensitivity contour and texture of the skin.Although complications following liposuction are unusual, it is important that every patient be well informed about procedure of Liposuction Phoenix, the options available and potential problems.