Tuesday 28 June 2016

Tummy Tuck Surgery in Phoenix, AZ

Today, people are more in tune with their body image than ever before. Many patients look to rejuvenate their stomach and flank regions with the tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure in Phoenix. As you view before and after photos of abdominoplasty you will see why Dr. Thomas Kotoske is well known for his creative skill and customizing his tummy tucks to the individual needs of each and every patient, he will thoroughly discuss your goals and needs to fulfill your expectations. Body By Kotoske offers a complete suite of procedures designed around a personalized approach to restoring the beauty of women through cosmetic surgery.

Different surgical procedures allow one to change the contour and shape of the breasts, abdomen, and other parts of the body.These body contouring procedures include liposculpture with micro tumescent liposuction, breast augmentation, Tummy Tuck Phoenix. The success of these procedures depends in great part on your age, general health, and the shape, size, and skin quality of the area to be treated. Often a combination of procedures will be used to alter one particular area. For example: micro tumescent liposuction and abdominoplasty will often be used together to re-contour the abdomen and waist area.

The Operation: This is an operation that is done under IV sedation or Epidural with IV sedation and tumescent anesthesia and usually requires a stay overnight in the hospital or similar overnight facility. An incision is made low on the abdominal wall at the pubic hair line, and extended outwards on each side. A second incision is sometimes made around the belly button to allow it to be repositioned after the skin and fat are pulled down. The muscles of the abdomen are tightened, and the waistline is sculpted into an attractive shape. The excess fat is removed by liposuction and/or direct excision. The skin is then redraped so the excess can be removed, and the navel is repositioned into a natural position.

Following surgery, the new abdomen will feel tight, and patients will walk slightly hunched over for 2-3 weeks. This will resolve quickly. Any sutures are removed by 10-14 days. There will be some swelling and firmness around the re-contoured abdominal wall for several weeks that will subside with time.

Although the operation is usually straight-forward and uncomplicated, problems can infrequently happen as with any operation. These possible complications include excessive bleeding after the surgery, infection, scarring, asymmetry, and problems with wound healing. Wound healing problems can occur especially in smokers, diabetics, patients of poor medical health, or patients with old abdominal scars. Some patients may accumulate clear, yellow fluid under the skin (seromas) after the surgery. This fluid is easily removed, and constitutes a nuisance more than a complication. To minimize this possibility, most patients will have temporary drains for several days and wear a compressive girdle.

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